
You were warned to tag your uploads better

Posted under Tags

You were warned to tag your uploads better -- the rules haven't changed since. Continuing to do this is not acceptable.

Well my case is: before uploading I used iqdb to see if the image exists. If not, I'd upload, but the source has no tag, google image gave me no idea except telling me vague stuff like it's 'anime' or 'girl'. There's no way I can be certain where is it from. So I leave the job to anime/game experts to tag. I think did my job already and wasted a few minutes of my life. It's unfair to assume I did nothing and give me a negative response.

Danaii said:

Tagging just the artist, copyright and character is not enough. Take a look at howto:tag.

I don't even know what series or the character it is, also the author. It's just a random image in the bbs/net. If Google Image AND ascii2d AND iqdb all fail, I think that's it.

Flandre5carlet said:

No. Even if that's the case, you can still tag copyright_request, character_request, and every other relevant thing there is to tag about the picture much like everyone else already explained.

There are millions of descriptive tags out there. I'd rather not to spend too much time. For those soft descriptive tags, while useful for others I rarely add them unless that particular feature is interesting to me. There are too many to add. As the time to research for the source was already spent, I can't afford to play with the million of tags further more.

Yes, there are many descriptive tags out there. That's the whole point of tagging, to describe the picture as best as you can so that other users can conveniently find it. Tagging is one of the pillars of Danbooru, and is NOT optional when uploading pictures.

dolphinjet said:

There are millions of descriptive tags out there. I'd rather not to spend too much time. For those soft descriptive tags, while useful for others I rarely add them unless that particular feature is interesting to me. There are too many to add. As the time to research for the source was already spent, I can't afford to play with the million of tags further more.

That is utterly wrong.
You have been pointed to howto:tag_checklist. There you see the tagging requirements.
Tags are not subjective, but objective, so it doesn't matter what you think is necessary or interesting : howto:tag.

dolphinjet said:

There are millions of descriptive tags out there. I'd rather not to spend too much time. For those soft descriptive tags, while useful for others I rarely add them unless that particular feature is interesting to me. There are too many to add. As the time to research for the source was already spent, I can't afford to play with the million of tags further more.

How you think the tagging feature should be used isn't how we actually use it. I've let others chime in on the topic so as to give you a full breadth of other thoughts and opinions to take heed of, but if you're going to be ignorant to it then let me remark a few things.

I think did my job already and wasted a few minutes of my life. It's unfair to assume I did nothing and give me a negative response.

Forgive me for saying this so crudely, but you ain't done shit. If you think your job is to "just find good ups" from whatever random image in whatever board you browse then I'd rather you quit the job and do something else that you think is more productive with your time. Uploading is a volunteer effort by every contributor here that mandates tagging by the original uploader to make those images easier to find. If that weren't so, then we'd be so backlogged on images it'd be impossible to find art with a certain set of features one searches for in particular.

Currently I believe the negative I issued you is deserved, but I'm welcome to remove it if and only if you make an active effort to tag so as to mandate removal of it. You are not a regular uploader -- that may not change. But what I do hope to see is either you stop altogether, or you improve. Doing it halfheartedly is grounds for a temporary ban.

dolphinjet said:

There are millions of descriptive tags out there. I'd rather not to spend too much time. For those soft descriptive tags, while useful for others I rarely add them unless that particular feature is interesting to me. There are too many to add. As the time to research for the source was already spent, I can't afford to play with the million of tags further more.

There are dozens of regular contributors here who choose to play by the rules and tag their uploads properly. Do you really believe your time is so much more valuable than everyone else's that you're entitled to a free pass for completely disregarding one of this site's core policies?

If you can't care enough about an image to bother taking the literal second it takes to add in tags like blonde hair or jacket or sitting or 1girl, where do you get the energy to upload a post at all? If it's too much effort to do that for all the images you want to upload, maybe upload only the best images, and spend the time you save tagging, instead.

An image on this board is worthless if nobody can find it, so it needs to be tagged. Someone needs to tag it, and if we just let everyone who didn't feel like it ignore tagging, there would be almost nobody tagging at all, and a few overworked people trying to keep up with the demand for tags.