
imply kanabou -> spiked_club

Posted under Tags

post #4808055 is not an exception. spiked club does not imply spikes because of those cases. Look at the results under spiked_club -kanabou and you'll see several ones similar to that. (post #4796603, post #4527918)

Do we want to make studded club? Otherwise it makes no sense to separate the two.

I did manage to find a smooth example in post #644454. It still has the distinctive kababou handle, rename it to bat or club?

The wikipedia page mentions other types of similar maces, it probably falls into one of those. I'd just move it to club.


BUR #7525 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication kanabou -> club_(weapon)

I think this kind of lawyerism ruins danbooru for everybody. Does anyone really care about whether something is a stud or a spike when searching for clubs of all things? It's different for clothing because they are two different aesthetics, but for clubs?

kanabou and spiked club were almost mutually exclusive before this BUR, because nobody cared to tag both.

We merged studded penis, spiked penis and barbed penis together for the same reason, because nobody cares about the difference. If we made studded club I can guarantee you people would use it interchangeably with spiked club.

But whatever, I'll just restore the previous implication. This'll be brought up by someone else again in two years anyway.