
Alias shatter -> shattering -> shattered

Posted under Tags

To quote what I stated the last time this came up:

With regards shatter and shattering - there are two things being covered here as I see it - a shatter effect in the image itself or an object that has shattered. The latter is more common than the former. These could either be made distinct (as they are different things) or put in together (as the image itself appearing to have been shattered is still roughly the same as an object in the image being shattered). At the moment both seem to be in all three tags and as such two of the tags are superfluous.

(topic #15655 - but there wasn't much said by anyone else in there on the subject)

I'm in favor of shatter -> shattered, but strongly against against shattering -> shattered. I think they should be used the same way as torn_clothes and tearing_clothes are. There is a distinct and memorable difference between showing the action in progress vs the action completed.

I'm not sure if it should be an implication or not, but there will necessarily be a lot of overlap because basically all things a person is "tearing" are at least partially "torn" when depicted. Basically all things depicted as "shattering" are at least already partly "shattered". In the other direction though, many (probably most) things shown as "torn" are not curently being torn. Many (probably most) things shown as "shattered" are not currently "shattering".

a shatter effect in the image itself

Can you give examples of what would and would not fit under that description ?

In any case, if this is to be as a separate tag, I think its name would have to be a lot more specific than simply "shatter"; that's just begging for people to misinterpret it.
Seeing the current state of the three tags, renaming shatter to something else would just lead to a lot of mis-tagged posts; so it might as well be a brand new tag.