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Feature Request: allow searching posts above or below a certain rating

Posted under Bugs & Features

When the "safe" rating was split into "general" and "sensitive", it became a lot more difficult to work with rating searches. I used to search for rating:s for any safe post and -rating:s for any unsafe post.

Now, if I want to have either questionable and explicit posts or general and sensitive posts, I would have to use two tags. As a free user, I can't use more than two tags, and even for premium users, I would assume it limits the ways they can use the search feature.

This could be solved if you could have something like rating:>sensitive to search for anything more explicit than s and vice versa with rating:<questionable.

LewdEditor said:

When the "safe" rating was split into "general" and "sensitive", it became a lot more difficult to work with rating searches. I used to search for rating:s for any safe post and -rating:s for any unsafe post.

Now, if I want to have either questionable and explicit posts or general and sensitive posts, I would have to use two tags. As a free user, I can't use more than two tags, and even for premium users, I would assume it limits the ways they can use the search feature.

This could be solved if you could have something like rating:>sensitive to search for anything more explicit than s and vice versa with rating:<questionable.

is:sfw (s,g) or is:nsfw (e,q) or rating:s,g or rating:q,e. There's only four ratings, so you can just combine them like rating:s,e etc.

Additionally, the metatags rating: and is: don't count towards your tag search limit.

See the bottom of help:cheatsheet for more info on this.
