🎉 Happy 19th Birthday to Danbooru! 🎉

Artist. Has a penchant with MANNED-UP girls. Especially likes Hokuto no Ken. Formerly tagged as ika-bi or ika_uemon.

Japanese name: イカ美 (reading is given as Ikami/Ika-mi)
Old names: イカ右衛門, ィヵ右衛門, ィヵえもん (Ika-emon), 直江ィヵ右衛門 (Naoe Ika-emon) or 直江ィヵ右衛門尉昌次 (Naoe Ika Uemon no Jou Masatsugu)
Site name: イカ美の汚部屋
Old site name: JAWBREAKER

See also

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