
[APPROVED] Tag alias: kurei_kei -> pronama-chan

Posted under Tags

create alias kurei_kei -> pronama-chan

Link to alias

Kurei Kei is also referred to as Pronama-chan by the Programming Live Broadcast, as indicated by her character profile on their webpage using both names interchangeably. However, it is clear that the name used more is Pronama-chan.

I'm currently actively uploading one of the webcomics starring Kei, bkub's Spaghetti Code (pool #13578). Prior to my uploading, there were 4 posts which all used both tags superfluously, and so, in spite of my personal irritation, I followed in their example; but after some research and discussion on the matter, now knowing that any unique instance of anything is supposed to have only 1 tag, I've thus come to request that kurei_kei become an alias to pronama-chan.

EDIT: The tag alias kurei_kei -> pronama-chan (forum #144648) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

EDIT: The tag alias kurei_kei -> pronama-chan (forum #144648) has conflicting wiki pages. pronama-chan should be updated to include information from kurei_kei if necessary.

Updated by DanbooruBot