
Regarding the "PSD Available" tag

Posted under General

The psd available tag assumes the PSD file is the source file, but i ran into multiple instances:

- There are cases where the PSD file is paywalled (eg. post #2870254). This makes it unaccessible, and it couldn't be upped on Danbooru because of it's no-paid rewards policy.
- There are cases where the PSD file is not the original file (eg. post #2892922, all the PSD file contains are two layers: the posted artwork and a glitch-like censor over it).
- And there are cases where the PSD file is a tool provided by artists for NND videos, where characters are posed and used as avatars (eg. post #3213462, post #3600072, ...). In these cases i would like to make a different meta tag. Google Translate calls them "standing pictures", so i'm guessing they should fall under tachi-e, but the tag is too broad/unused.

Should there be sub-meta tags to differentiate between them and actual source files (eg. post #2920725)?

I'm not really a fan of psd available tag. As long as Danbooru does not host PSD, sooner or later psd available will become psd unavailable and there is nothing we can do about it.

Username_Hidden said:

The psd available tag assumes the PSD file is the source file, but i ran into multiple instances:

- There are cases where the PSD file is paywalled (eg. post #2870254). This makes it unaccessible, and it couldn't be upped on Danbooru because of it's no-paid rewards policy.

Render of paywalled PSD makes paywalled PNG. For existing paid reward posts I think it makes sense to keep it, since PSD is actually available even if it is behind paywall.

- There are cases where the PSD file is not the original file (eg. post #2892922, all the PSD file contains are two layers: the posted artwork and a glitch-like censor over it).

I think it's author's autism and should not be tagged as psd available. This PSD contains only 2 layers, named "DELETE_THIS" and "KEEP THIS" respectively. Rendering flattened PSD (a.k.a. layer 0 in various tools) would result in "DELETE_THIS" layer on top making image complete garbage. Existence of PSD here is an excuse to not post full PNG.

- And there are cases where the PSD file is a tool provided by artists for NND videos, where characters are posed and used as avatars (eg. post #3213462, post #3600072, ...). In these cases i would like to make a different meta tag. Google Translate calls them "standing pictures", so i'm guessing they should fall under tachi-e, but the tag is too broad/unused.

Should there be sub-meta tags to differentiate between them and actual source files (eg. post #2920725)?

In Petenshi's example provided PSDs are indeed tachi-e, but post #3213462 on itself is not. Since Danbooru does not host PSD, I don't think we need PSD-exclusive tags.