
Country tags

Posted under General

Something I thought based on a Discord comment (about 8 of the 72 Natalia Poklonskaya being tagged Republic of Crimea). What exactly are the criteria to tag a post with a country, like United Kingdom, Japan, America (shouldn't it be united_states?) etc.

Flags seem to be common amongst the tagged posts, but only a small fraction of the flags get tagged with the country (there are 1618 posts tagged Union Jack, but only 152 United Kingdom). On the other hand, around half of the United Kingdom posts also include the Union Jack. There's even the British tag, which to my knowledge is just a synonym to things related to the United Kingdom.

My opinion is that country tags don't seem to be useful and seem mostly redundant with the respective country flags.
Also, I noticed American flag bikini doesn't implicate American flag; I imagine doing so would cover most posts that are tagged America but not American flag.

About characters being tagged with their country, I think this happens because some real life figures and even fictional characters on Danbooru has their image very attached to their country of origin. Sometimes, the country the character comes from can even be their most remarkable trait. For example, when you think of Kim Jong-un you instantly think of North Korea altogether.