
Should :c -> frown?

Posted under General

skimming through the existing :c posts, it looks like all of them should either fall into :<, :( or are actually :o with the lower line not drawn clearly,

having this current level of granularity on tagging the frown curvature ( :<, :c, :( ) is ridiculous, so i suggest either this alias, or just re-tagging the posts and leaving :c at count=0, since it's a bit ambiguous itself.

regardless i think there's quite a few mis-tags that need to be checked, before applying the BUR (if we go with that option).

bipface said:

skimming through the existing :c posts, it looks like all of them should either fall into :<, :( or are actually :o with the lower line not drawn clearly,

It would be better to manually garden this tag then.