
Lunarians (Houseki no Kuni)

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nonamethanks said:

"Moon people" is way too generic as a term.

"Lunarian" would need a qualifier, we have lunarian_(sekaiju) already and there's Final Fantasy characters with the same name.

I see, but I feel that Tsuki Jin isn't a term most people would know to look for if they're searching for lunarians.

Would the reverse work better in this case? lunarians_(houseki_no_kuni) -> Tsuki Jin?

UnderCurve said:

I see, but I feel that Tsuki Jin isn't a term most people would know to look for if they're searching for lunarians.

Would the reverse work better in this case? lunarians_(houseki_no_kuni) -> Tsuki Jin?


Huh, Tsuki Jin is linked to 月人 via the "other names" wiki feature. This is problematic because 月人 (in kanji) is generic in Japanese and Pixiv shows results including Touhou Lunarians, other Lunarians/Moon people from different settings (including Houseki ones), and people with first name 月人 like Totsuka Tsukito from Kamigami no Asobi.

Should we remove 月人 from the "other names" field of the Tsuki Jin wiki? There's also a qualified 月人(宝石の国) tag that Pixiv uses, though that one is rather underpopulated.

That said, I believe Tsuki Jin tag here has no such "ambiguity" problem (so we don't need to qualify "Tsuki Jin" here). That way of pronouncing 月人 is pretty much unique to Houseki no Kuni; other copyrights (and mythology) tend to use "tsukibito" instead.


nonamethanks said:

Looking at the changes at a first glance I can see no glaring mistags being fixed, so I don't think it's an issue.

Alright, leaving 月人 up then. Just going to add 月人(宝石の国) as a second "other name".