
HUD/UI tags cleanup

Posted under General

At the moment there are a lot of sparse tags, which would ideally need to be grouped up and merged or implied to one another.
I'm a bit on the fence on some, so i would like your opinions on how they should be ordered/to gather more tags before making a BUR.

So far the tags i've found, ignoring more ambiguous ones like character speech bubbles, have been:


I'll try to keep this list updated if something new comes up.


I think fake screenshot and fake video fall more under user interface than heads-up display. Both are presumably intended to look interactive, and close in line with desktop and windows desktop.

NicoNico Comments may be less interactive, but I think they should be user interface as well since they aren't utilitarian overlay icons and status messsages like the rest of the heads-up display category. In actuality, it could probably be grouped with chat log and phone screen, which at least to me, all feel like they could live under user interface as well.

Nameless_Contributor said:

Do most people / most Danbooru users know what UI stands for or could it be better to use the long qualifier?

If we want to go for a less ambiguous but still short qualifier, i think _(interface) may be the best option?

BUR #6958 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias icons -> icon_(computing)
create alias icon -> icon_(computing)
create alias pop-up_window -> window_(computing)

This is my alternative proposal, to follow the qualifiers wikipedia uses:

I think it makes more sense for us than "interface" or "ui", which would give me pause if I saw them in the autocomplete.