Laughing man is quite ambiguous as a name so I think it's good to give it a qualifier to avoid mistags like post #5249751 and post #5396286, not sure what we want to use, *_(meme)? *_(ghost in the shell)? (sign)?
Posted under Tags
Laughing man is quite ambiguous as a name so I think it's good to give it a qualifier to avoid mistags like post #5249751 and post #5396286, not sure what we want to use, *_(meme)? *_(ghost in the shell)? (sign)?
BUR #10615 has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.
create alias laughing_man -> laughing_man_(ghost_in_the_shell)
As above.
The bulk update request #10615 (forum #214142) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.