
alias diamond_pickaxe, _sword -> minecraft_pickaxe, _sword

Posted under Tags

HeeroWingZero said:

I'm iffy on this because the minecraft_* tags are specifically for the pixelated versions as seen in game. We have posts under both diamond pickaxe and diamond sword that are depicted as regular items and not in Minecraft's pixelated style (post #5343987, post #5014414, post #5563437, post #5263192 for some examples)

I disagree on using the minecraft tags only if they're pixelated. post #5343987 is clearly the diamond pickaxe from minecraft, why wouldn't it get the minecraft pickaxe tag? Just add pixelated to filter for the pixelated ones.

Keeping them separated means keeping two tags with an almost complete overlap just for a handful of cases that would be tagged anyway by someone who doesn't care to read the wiki.