BUR #15313 has been rejected.
create alias breast_grab -> grabbing_another's_breast
deprecate breast_grab
create alias breast_lift -> grabbing_own_breast
deprecate breast_lift
create alias breast_hold -> breast_on_own_arm
deprecate breast_hold
The various tags for holding/grabbing breasts are an ambiguous mess that (surprise surprise) can be traced all the way back to oldbooru. To start with, breast_grab is only for grabbing another's breast, so naturally it's also being used for holding one's own breasts. Speaking of, the tag for holding one's own breasts... is not breast_hold; it's breast_lift. breast_hold is actually for resting one's breast(s) on their arm(s). And to top it all off, breast_lift is just a duplicate of grabbing_own_breast.
(There's also breast_suppress that needs to be split into hand_on_own_chest and hands_on_own_chest respectively, but that's a discussion for another topic.)
This BUR will rename all of our current breast grab tags so they're very easy to understand, then deprecate the old ambiguous terms. While I've already gardened all posts with a combination of breast_grab, breast_lift and breast_hold, there's still likely a lot of mistags for each individual tag. Even so, this BUR should be approved as soon as possible to prevent future mistags.