punished K said:
The artist deliberately added the "transgender" tag on Newgrounds
Looking at the wiki and evazion's forum post prior to his BUR, I see nothing stating that we can use tags or commentary on other websites as justification for tagging Bridget as a girl. Both describe visual evidence in the image itself as being a requirement. This makes sense because a transgender person is still transgender whether or not they physically change their sex, and a significant number of artists will try to be respectful of gender identity regardless of appearance. For example, Yamato has been referred to with male pronouns by some One Piece fans despite looking 100% female because they believe the character is a trans man (whether or not that's actually true is beside the point). This means we can't use artist tags or commentary as a reliable method of determining Bridget's biological sex (which is what will determine the tags in most cases, especially in NSFW cases) in any given post.
For the above reasons, it makes sense to tag post #5879631 as 2boys. Bridget's build seems more on the masculine side to me, with the chest being the only thing making me even slightly doubt that assessment. Regardless, it still doesn't seem like sufficient evidence on its own to tag as 1boy and 1girl.
There are two other posts that were subject to fairly recent tag warring that I think make more sense to tag Bridget as a girl.
post #5657956
A fairly SFW post with a Bridget with a more feminine-leaning appearance and small breasts. No bulge is present. This seems to meet the criteria for tagging as 1girl, with the only counterevidence being the commentary, which says "Bridget-kun." If the commentary is being used as the reason for reverting the 1girl edits, then that would be going against the standard of visual evidence, right?
post #6273418
A NSFW post that is part of a variant set. Some have penises while others have vaginas, and this seems to be the determining factor for whether a post in this set is tagged 1boy or 1girl. However, the upper body is exactly the same in all posts, with Bridget having breasts. The post in question is even tagged male with breasts. And the first two results in that tag are post #6719761 and post #6719843, both Bridget posts with a feminine body. I am confident anyone who knows nothing about the character would tag both of these, as well as the variant set posts with penises, as 1girl futanari. I think this comment sums it up best:
iridescent_slime said:
And which do you think is more likely: that the artist intended to draw a woman with a dick, or a man with gynecomastia?
- Hint: One appears in tens of thousands of posts on Danbooru, whereas the other is practically unheard of in anime fetish art.
- Hint 2: Apart from the genitals, this Bridget is identical to the ones in post #5715634 and post #5843576, and no one seems to seriously think that either of those is a man.