
Dragon Ball: Alias request thread

Posted under Tags

BUR #23426 has been rejected.

create alias lapis_(dragon_ball) -> android_17
create alias lazuli_(dragon_ball) -> android_18
create alias gevo_(dragon_ball) -> android_16
create alias vomi_(dragon_ball) -> android_21
create alias kakarot_(dragon_ball) -> son_goku

These characters are known by this name or alias. This can help fans find art for these characters much faster.

Gevo and Vomi's tags right now are used to tag depictions of 16 and 21's human inspirations, Gero's son and wife (since 16 and 21 are actual androids, and not cyborgs like 17 and 18), so it makes me wonder what else could be done to tag them if this BUR passed.

But my actual question is whether it's actually necessary. Lapis and Lazuli, while not as uncommon as they were back in the day as ways to refer to 17 and 18, aren't exactly mainstream mainstays name-wise, so aliases featuring the names don't seem necessarily, same with Kakarot - Vegeta doesn't use Danbooru.

Damian0358 said:

...same with Kakarot - Vegeta doesn't use Danbooru.

I must admit, that made me laugh out loud xD

But yeah, I agree to your reasoning - while being canon, those names aren't exactly mainstream in the fandom and not what a fan would use to search for those characters.
On the other hand, I think including those just for the sake of being thurow would not hurt - so a solid "meh" from me.