
How Useful is the Debt Tag?

Posted under General

The tag is apparently supposed to be for little papers indicating debt, but however, the tag as far as I can tell seems to be mainly be a pet tag for Yorigami Shion. While I understand that some tags are only going to see use in a limited number of instances, the fact that searching debt -yorigami_shion returned very few posts seemed kinda alarming.

How useful is this tag, really? Is there any reason to keep it around, I wonder? Because I'm tempted to try nuking it if not.

Maiden_in_Orange said:

The tag is apparently supposed to be for little papers indicating debt, but however, the tag as far as I can tell seems to be mainly be a pet tag for Yorigami Shion. While I understand that some tags are only going to see use in a limited number of instances, the fact that searching debt -yorigami_shion returned very few posts seemed kinda alarming.

How useful is this tag, really? Is there any reason to keep it around, I wonder? Because I'm tempted to try nuking it if not.

Probably has a fair bit of overlap with poverty in non-Shion cases. A lot of them don't seem to be what I'd expect looking for debt though. post #3120964 post #4632231

zetsubousensei said:

Probably has a fair bit of overlap with poverty in non-Shion cases. A lot of them don't seem to be what I'd expect looking for debt though. post #3120964 post #4632231

I agree. To be honest, were I not a Touhou fan, I'd assume that'd be what the tag was for. The tag can probably safely go in your example posts, as I agree.

So...Would an alias to something like debt papers help? Main issue with that idea is that we still have what is essentially a Shion pet tag. Alternatively, a nuke could be done like I was kinda planning on, but then I'd have no idea what to cover for the concept of paper stuck to clothes on Shion that doesn't appear to be ofuda on clothes. Hm...

BUR #23985 has been rejected.

create alias debt -> debt_papers
remove alias debt -> debt_papers
deprecate debt

You know what? Let's put this up for a vote to resolve this musing of mine, knowing how Danbooru works. This options is more to just change the name than do anything to make it more clear what the tag is for (and then deprecate the original because I am of the opinion debt as a tag name should be deprecated). I still think this tag is a pet tag though.

BUR #23986 has been rejected.

nuke debt
deprecate debt

My preferred option. Only real issue is that then Yorigami Shion would be without a tag for the papers all over her clothes. But I don't think ofuda on clothes should be the tag we stick those under (as they are not visually ofuda, even if the same concept). If anyone has any alternate tag suggestions, I can stick an update in here if we prefer this option for that. So what will it be? And does anyone have a solution to either caveat of options I'm currently thinking about?
