
Should we keep parent_and_child?

Posted under Tags

War6t2 said:

It's an excellent way to blacklist things.

You can just add the various *_and_* tags to your blacklist, there aren't that many and the blacklist isn't subject to the tag search limit.

World_Funeral said:

BUR #25608 is pending approval.

deprecate parent_and_child

The wiki states so and there are clearer alternatives. Therefore I consider this tag should've been rendered ambiguous.

Just asking, what if user who isn't builder want to search post with parents (both) and their child do something.

For example like sleeping, singing, playing etc.
They need to use three or more tags right?

Nwm, I just realized we have family tag

We still need to consider what tag we would use for a parent whose sex is unknown. Parent and child still seems like the best option we have for this right now despite its shortcomings. I think we should only deprecate the tag if we can't find a suitable replacement, don't have any posts of this nature on Danbooru (which I find hard to believe despite previous statements from other users), and gardening it proves too much to handle.

Blank_User said:

We still need to consider what tag we would use for a parent whose sex is unknown. Parent and child still seems like the best option we have for this right now despite its shortcomings. I think we should only deprecate the tag if we can't find a suitable replacement, don't have any posts of this nature on Danbooru (which I find hard to believe despite previous statements from other users), and gardening it proves too much to handle.

Yeah I don't know how you'd tag post #7183915 without parent and child. I'd rather imply the father and mother tags to it honestly. Seems like something that should be umbrella-ed anyway.

BUR #25622 is pending approval.

mass update father_and_child -> parent_and_child
mass update father_and_daughter -> parent_and_child
mass update father_and_son -> parent_and_child
mass update mother_and_child -> parent_and_child
mass update mother_and_daughter -> parent_and_child
mass update mother_and_son -> parent_and_child

Last bur topic #26399 was considered too paddey due to "parent_and_son/daughter" etc, parent and child is definitely valuable.

As per the Family wiki:

When it's only a single parent with one child use the following tags instead:

The parent and child tag is currently too small to add the implication, so this would need to be done first (good on the bot for giving the "a can't make up more than 90% of b for multiple tags at once rather than sensing there are multiple implications in the bur...)


Imply father_and_child -> parent_and_child
Imply father_and_daughter -> parent_and_child
Imply father_and_son -> parent_and_child
Imply mother_and_child -> parent_and_child
Imply mother_and_daughter -> parent_and_child
Imply mother_and_son -> parent_and_child