BUR #25662 has been rejected.
create implication matching_clothes_writing -> clothes_writing
Self-explanatory, in case this tag is useful for us to keep.
Edit: Please ignore or reject this in favour of the second option.
Posted under Tags
BUR #25662 has been rejected.
create implication matching_clothes_writing -> clothes_writing
Self-explanatory, in case this tag is useful for us to keep.
Edit: Please ignore or reject this in favour of the second option.
How is this different from matching_outfits clothes_writing?
nonamethanks said:
How is this different from matching_outfits clothes_writing?
Not that different from aforementioned two-tag search results. So far, all posts featuring matching clothes writing (only 25) feature same or extremely identical clothes (matching outfits, the only key difference is the colours) with only identical text. If so, I would consider this tag not that useful.
BUR #26082 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
mass update matching_clothes_writing -> matching_outfits clothes_writing
nuke matching_clothes_writing
It would make sense to have a tag for matching clothing puns, like post #5983559, but that needs to be a separate tag.
The bulk update request #26082 (forum #280006) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
The bulk update request #25662 (forum #278640) has been rejected by @nonamethanks.