
"There are worse pictures than this on Danbooru, so this picture shouldn't be flagged!"

Posted under General

If the post is not reapproved after your appeal, it is almost certainly not appropriate for Danbooru. If you would like to understand why this is, you can post in forum #45532, the upload feedback thread, to get more detailed information about approvers' feelings about a deleted post.

About the deletion appeal thread and the feedback thread:
I have seen posts in the feedback thread get reapproved, so if posts which are not approved upon appeal are then posted in the feedback thread, they are practically appealed twice. Is this intended?
@Log: They're supposed to get a reason why it has NOT been approved, yes, not have them reviewed a third time. If the pictures were good enough for approval, the user shouldn't need to wait a few days and appeal again in the feedback thread to have it approved. (and if they want a reason, they will probably skip the appeal thread and post directly in the feedback thread)


S1eth said:
About the deletion appeal thread and the feedback thread:
I have seen posts in the feedback thread get reapproved, so if posts which are not approved upon appeal are then posted in the feedback thread, they are practically appealed twice. Is this intended?

Sometimes I'm busy and don't look through the appeals, posts will be missed. If they are asked again for feedback, chances are I'll catch them and approve if it's okay. Remember, there are no obligation for an approver to look in the Deletion Appeal nor Feedback thread.

The Feedback thread is not for appealing, only for wondering people. So far those who posted over there seems to get what thread is for, I don't see any problem.

I don't know where else to bring it up, but since this post was flagged I have a question.

Ignoring art quality and anything else, what qualifies as guro and what qualifies as guro that violates the TOS? The only thing I can think of, in relation to this post, is that it shows a decapitation but I disagree that this is a guro-themed picture and there are many guro-themes pictures that are more graphic than this picture so I'm not sure what the distinction is.

post #853555

That seems to stretch the definition of redeeming quality, at least from my understanding, which focused more on the nature of the content than the quality of the art, which is passable, and the nature of the joke.

I might be wrong, however.

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