
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Soberoatmeal said:

Hello, is there something wrong with post #6288821 ?
One of them even said that it has 'poor quality' yet I fail to see anything that can be considered one.

i think that's just the wonky mouth; i'm not an approver but that shouldn't be enough for "poor quality" imo

zetsubousensei said:

The broken legs and flat face don't bother you?

lots of flat faces get approved, and excluding the mouth, i've seen a lot of worse faces in general get approved too, i thought it wasn't an issue
and legs sure have room for improvement (most of the pic does) but i would be lying if i said they look jarring enough to me, i wouldn't call them broken

Massonia said:

tip: don't complain while your post is still in pending approval, be patient.

Well I feel like if I don't ask, it will fall through the cracks and get deleted for no reason. They only have few hours left, not recent uploads.