
Plural to Singular alias request thread

Posted under General

They are very commonly seen both ways. I'd probably lean towards plural since pauldrons are designed to be worn on and protect the shoulders, and shoulders themselves certainly make a natural pair. Either direction, I'd second keeping one tag for both single and dual forms.

Remove Alias: anklets > anklet;
Implication: anklets > anklet;

It looks that there should be two different tag groups:
anklet, ankle_bracelet - when anklet is worn on one leg
anklets, ankle_bracelets - when its worn on both legs

Check how many images exist for these tags ( on gelbooru ):
anklet - 1601 images
anklets - 162 images

"anklets" should just implicate "anklet" but not to be alias of it.

erklet4r9 said: It looks that there should be two different tag groups:
anklet, ankle_bracelet - when anklet is worn on one leg
anklets, ankle_bracelets - when its worn on both legs

I don't think we need to make this distinction.

henmere said:
tusks <-> tusk

On one hand, most tusked animals like elephants or boars have a pair of tusks and teeth are usually paired. On the other hand, narwhals are the exception, typically having one tusk and rarely having two.

I'm not sure where I stand in terms of alias direction but I know that tusk and tusks aren't distinct enough to have their own tags like horn/horns.

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