pool #4128 and how to, that is.
Is this something worth worrying about? The first image in the pool suggests to me at least there's no need to convert pool-to-tag outright.
Updated by スラッシュ
Posted under General
There may be some overlap (pool:4128 how_to) but for the most part they are distinct concepts. For example, there's no way post #374930, post #485201, or post #493740 can be called how to posts.
We could merge pool #4128 with pool #1765.
The latter is pretty much pool:4128 touhou source:*pixiv*
Alignn said:
pool #4128 and how to, that is.
Seems to me pool #322 and how to is the issue here. There's a lot more overlap with pool #322 than with pool #4128.
post #169709 and post #925419 are in that pool because they have making of videos. The images themselves are not how to.