
copyright request tag

Posted under General

They should both be general. If you search for arttags:0 or copytags:0 you should get all posts with no artist or copyright tag. This will not happen if the tags used to request the name of the artist or copyright are themselves categorized as artist and copyright tags.

The only reason that you will sometimes see artist_request set as an artist, or copyright_request set as a copyright, is because someone changes it without understanding this.

ghostrigger said:
just asking, is this tag still necessary? copyright_request works exactly as copytags:0. should we still keep this? what is the advantage of using one from the other? or should we alias these two, if possible?

I think it's the same as aliasing arttags:0 and artist_request. Besides, you can search for something like ~original ~copyright_request, but you cant do that for ~original ~copytags:0.

MarUsca said:
...you can search for something like ~original ~copyright_request, but you cant do that for ~original ~copytags:0.

not sure if mixing original and copytags:0 counts as one great advantage though. as this can be replicated by splitting the searches into original and copytags:0 instead, since using the ~ operator is not always reliable (as the cheatsheet claims).

honestly, i think the growth of *_request tags is mainly due to ambiguity of plain tagme. but the times changed and people became more creative and specific and this is fine i believe because general tags are so broad.

but copyright_request has an exact equivalent metatag that is specifically for copyrights/series - copytags:0. a copyright will not expand or cover anything other than a copyright i believe.

EDIT: a gentag like copyright_request doing something identical as a metatag as copytags:0 is a little bit redundant.

collaboration artist_request - 2 results. collabs w/o artists: collaboration arttags:0 status:any - 4. w/ 1 artist known: collaboration arttags:1 status:any - 47.

if people are so inclined, we can also use a collaboration_request tag specifically for this kind of things. but i prefer a comment like in post #1131287 so that garderners/viewers can have a bit of justification why it was tagged as such.

crossover copyright_request - 5 results. no known copyright: crossover copytags:0 status:any - 4. problem might arise if there are crossovers of large sets of personalities. but this can be solved by using crossover character_request instead or crossover annotation_request. the latter is much preferred to pinpoint which character (or from which copyright) actually needs to be identified. if one knows the character, then one knows the copyright the character is from. if not, google is our best friend.

before i say anything about cosplay, i like to know the rationale why there are copyright_request tags on some posts like post #174537, post #170558, post #155951. what if these are just generic cosplays without cosplaying any character from any copyright?


The _request tags should be general, yes.

And I would agree that cosplay as used on danbooru should mean you are dressing up in a specific costume that belongs to a specific, separate character. Generic santa outfits or tree outfits and such would have their own generic tags, not cosplay.

S1eth said:
original is also a copyright, so it's still a valid copyright_request.

i too agree, but the same can be said for copytags:0 - "i didn't tag/can't verify it as original that's why i didn't add a copyright; please help". copyright_request here is superfluous. i don't see the need to increase the number of gentags when you are also asking for help on what tags to use, when the system already provide ways for the same thing.

MarUsca said:
Actually the wiki says that any image should be tagged copyright_request and artist_request if there are no proper tags

it appears that the howto:tag_checklist was modified on 2011-09-16 and demanded users to add and retain artist_request and copyright_request tags until they are all confirmed. i'm trying to look for discussion in the forum that directs for these mandatory tags but i can't find as of now. is this the official stand of the community and of the site officials?

with metatags, both artist_request and copyright_request tags are obsolete. if not, what are their advantages?

if ever we will end up to a decision, i'm also proposing to remove those demanding lines in the wiki.

I would be in favor of keeping artist_request and copyright_request. They are more versatile and convenient than related metatags.
With regular tags we can add a wiki with explanation and useful links, like the current artist_request. And they also work when post already have another tag of the same type. Examples: image includes characters drawn by different artists and not all of them are known, or image is a crossover/parody and not all copyrights are tagged.

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