
Romanization help (original characters)

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RaisingK said:

香澄としぞう: Kasumi Toshizou (most common reading, matches the one given in niconico wiki)
帯爪雪芽: Obitsume Yume (reading given at pixiv #26000831)

エクシリア・フランデール・ソニカ: I'm thinking "Xillia Frandale Sonica". (エクシリア is the same spelling used in the title of Tales of Xillia)


I think that's her name. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=27744533 (and a couple other pixiv posts) depict the same character as in post #1455408 and it's the only tag that matches the kanji from said post. There don't seem to be other posts here with her, so I'm not sure if this should be tagged or not. The other two can be seen at least in other posts takamine_(smdx) giuniu white_hair

-kyu- said:
I think that's her name. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=27744533 (and a couple other pixiv posts) depict the same character as in post #1455408 and it's the only tag that matches the kanji from said post. There don't seem to be other posts here with her, so I'm not sure if this should be tagged or not. The other two can be seen at least in other posts takamine_(smdx) giuniu white_hair

This trap boy is a recurring character in Yahata Aya's original doujin series, 原発教 (Genpatsu-Kyou, N.P.P. [Nuclear Power Plant] Religious Group). He is simply called "(原発教の)教祖".

Genpatsu-kyou (copyright tag) and founder_(genpatsu-kyou) may work well.


Log said:

世界のおぱいさん by tsuda nanafushi. Quite a few of these are uploaded so they should probably be tagged as well. He might have some other named originals but nobody's caught them and I didn't bother going through his pixiv uploads to determine what was original and what wasn't.

Sekai no Opai-san (although it looks like possibly more than one character is tagged as such on Pixiv).

I can't find a full name for Misumi (nanaroku) or Mifuyu (hakoniwa_tsuka) (distinct from Hinomori Mifuyu).

Artist commentary for post #1538143:


Is that post some sort of combination of Misumi/Mifuyu and the Sekaiju no Meikyuu 4 classes?


RaisingK said:

Does the bit at the top left of pixiv #31073037/p0 expand upon the name "Lapia" (post #1550304), or is it just something like her title?

And now, in addition to post #1546535 (ヒナエリア・ルエト・ミグラテール), I have post #1550311 (ヒナ・ミグラテール). Are they just different versions of the same character?

I just updated Lapia's tag and wiki.

post #1546535 is Hina's self of six years later. The image's pixiv tag, 【真・脅威編】 (Shin Kyoui-hen) is a post-fin story of Pixiv Robot Wars Gaia.

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