Encountered an issue w/ favourites. It says I need to upgrade my account to (what I assume) is a paid account otherwise I can't add more favourites to my list. What on earth prompted the change?
Posted under General
The thresholds are at 4,000 and 20,000 posts respectively. I consider these numbers fairly high for something that takes up so much space and computation power to search. Partially I wanted a way to prevent everyone from favoriting 10,000 posts and inflating the database. But I'll freely admit I also want to incentivize people to upgrade their accounts.
I understand the philosophical opposition to capping favorites. But my belief is that if you spend enough time on this site to favorite 4,000 posts, then you should probably give back somehow. Whether that's by a monetary donation or by contributing to tag changes, uploading art, filling out the wiki, helping out other users, etc. Either of these paths will let you favorite as many posts as you want.
If you are capped and believe you deserve recognition for your contributions to the site, send me a PM and I'll try to help you out.
Since forum #46785 is apparently obsolete, is there any other place on Danbooru where all the various user levels and their respective privileges/restrictions/upgrading costs or requirements etc. are explained in detail?
We definitely need something like this, and if we already have it, we should probably make it more prominent because I can't find it.
Ai-to-Yukai said:
So how much does it cost to upgrade again past gold, if there's such an upgrade? Considering I'm... Past 40k I think, which I agree is a pretty obscene amount. I'd cull my favorites and download everything, but the downloader I used doesn't work anymore.
As far as I know, upgrading is done in $20 batches. So the "first-tier" (Gold) is $20, then "second-tier" (Platinum? I haven't even seen one yet) is either $40 coming from a basic account or another $20 to upgrade from Gold.
Not_One_Of_Us said:
Now to get mine to under 20,000...
No need, Platinum+ can have unlimited favorites.
Ai-to-Yukai said:
So how much does it cost to upgrade again past gold, if there's such an upgrade?
$20, see upgrade information.
Fred1515 said:
Since forum #46785 is apparently obsolete, is there any other place on Danbooru where all the various user levels and their respective privileges/restrictions/upgrading costs or requirements etc. are explained in detail?
We definitely need something like this, and if we already have it, we should probably make it more prominent because I can't find it.
That upgrade page I linked has some information that should help. But we do need a comprehensive list. I'll get started on help:users sometime soon.
i'm a gold member but sometime between last night and now i can no longer add favorites. i've got about 6800 right now but i can't add any more. no idea what the cause of the issue is.
EDIT: getting an error when trying to change tags, would not be surprised if they were related and it's just a passing issue.
EDIT: issue was the error, nm.