souryuu9 almost 12 years ago create alias beat_up -> beatenLink to aliasOr the other way around. Same concept. Updated by NWF Renim almost 12 years ago Reply Copy ID Copy Link
NWF Renim almost 12 years ago To be honest, my first thought was that beat_up would have been referring to beating.Perhaps have beat_up -> beating and beaten_up -> beaten? Updated almost 12 years ago Reply Copy ID Copy Link
souryuu9 almost 12 years ago It doesn't help that the past tense of 'beat' is also 'beat', but nothing is tagged with beaten_up and all the posts currently tagged with beat_up aren't showing the process of someone in the middle of taking a beating. Reply Copy ID Copy Link
NWF Renim almost 12 years ago It's only 9 posts, I've just edited over the 9 to beaten and added a wiki for beat_up that directs users to either beaten or beating. Reply Copy ID Copy Link