Aliasing ornament -> christmas_ornaments
Both refer to the same thing and the latter is more descriptive. If this alias is added, the existing ornaments -> ornament alias will need to be changed.
Updated by souryuu9
Posted under General
An ornament is merely anything used for decoration and is not necessarily Christmas related e.g. a hair_ornament. While most of the posts tagged ornament are Christmas related, some are not, and would have to be changed if the alias is made. If anything, hair_ornament and christmas ornaments implicate ornament.
Hair "ornaments" are more accessories. However, the decor sorts of ornaments are not exclusively for Christmas, though they're distinct enough for me to support create alias christmas ornament -> ornament
While we're on the topic, the ball-shaped Christmas ornaments are called baubles, but only 2 posts are tagged with it. If we're going to use it as a tag, then a lot of posts are missing it. Should the tag be removed from the 2 posts and just be left with christmas ornaments? Not all posts tagged with christmas ornaments have baubles in them though.
Ornament is a rather generic word so I don't think it's a good idea to use it as a tag for something specific. I would vote for leaving it empty after the necessary cleanup.
Alternatively, we can make it into a catch-all tag for all kinds of ornaments, but I don't think this would be very useful.
I brought this up in the single/plural aliases thread, but we also have the very similar tag decorations. Should we clear thig tag too?