
Tag Implication: print_pantyhose -> pantyhose

Posted under Tags

RiderFan said:

If we did that, then say goodbye to fishnet_pantyhose being a viable way to distinguish against just fishnets or fishnet_legwear.

I'm not sure I understand the issue. Isn't a combination tag search enough?

We have tons of "combination tags" and there is a good reason why they exist. To be able to reliably search for something in images with more than one character.

The goal of topic #8196 was to consolidate some types of legwear tags (mostly colors and patterns) because we had too much of them and it became unwieldily. But not all of them, so few newer aliases are something that wasn't originally intended by that thread and consequently wasn't properly agreed upon.

In this case, there are only two decently populated relevant tags: print_pantyhose and print_legwear (apparently posts were moved from print_thighhighs to print_legwear). So aliasing them to the print_legwear is not particularly advantageous, they are not affected by the problems behind topic #8196.
And doing these aliases will make it harder to find some images. For example, there are two character in an image, one in print_thighhighs other in regular pantyhose. Then this image will turn up in your print_legwear pantyhose search even though it is not what you were searching for.

All that being said, I'm not particularly against aliases from forum #89647 (+ if we decide to do them after all, print_thighhighs should be there too).
But there is another similar alias that was made some time ago:
fishnet_thighhighs/fishnet_stockings -> fishnet_legwear
and I'm sure that it should be removed, there are really no benefits from having it.
There are only two tagged fishnet_legwear types (thighhighs and pantyhose), keeping them separate is not problematic at all but have the advantage of being able to search for these legwear types more accurately.

MyrMindservant said:

For example, there are two character in an image, one in print_thighhighs other in regular pantyhose. Then this image will turn up in your print_legwear pantyhose search even though it is not what you were searching for.

If we aliased print_pantyhose to print_legwear, the search print_legwear pantyhose would then return 639 results. Out of those, only 5 (by my count, at least) would not actually contain print_pantyhose. That's less than 1% error, so I don't think a combination tag like print_pantyhose is appropriate here.

MyrMindservant said:

The goal of topic #8196 was to consolidate some types of legwear tags (mostly colors and patterns) because we had too much of them and it became unwieldily. But not all of them, so few newer aliases are something that wasn't originally intended by that thread and consequently wasn't properly agreed upon.

This is exactly what the goal of that thread was, sorry to burst your bubble. A lot of them refused to go through the first time we tried to alias them and that's the only reason they still exist.

Log said:
This is exactly what the goal of that thread was, sorry to burst your bubble. A lot of them refused to go through the first time we tried to alias them and that's the only reason they still exist.

I can read perfectly well and consequently don't need your interpretation to see what it was about. Goal of that thread is clear from the posts there.

Fishnet_* tags were even specifically mentioned there (forum #59491) as something that does not need to be unified under _legwear. Why? Because there are only two of them and merging is not advantageous.
