
Tag implication: uniform types -> uniform

Posted under General

implicating band_uniform -> uniform
implicating school_uniform -> uniform
implicating gym_uniform -> uniform

Reason: All of these are types of uniforms, and just like with types of alcohol implicating alcohol, should implicate the parent tag. It is impossible to have any of these types of uniforms in an image without having a uniform in the image.

military_uniform and police_uniform already implicate uniform.

The wiki page for uniform lists a bunch of x_uniform tags which aren't actually in use, most of them having been implicated to just x. Since it's possible (but rare in artwork) to have, for example, a nurse or waitress who isn't wearing a uniform, these probably should not implicate uniform.


Jerl said:

The wiki page for uniform lists a bunch of x_uniform tags which aren't actually in use, most of them having been implicated to just x. Since it's possible (but rare in artwork) to have, for example, a nurse or waitress who isn't wearing a uniform, these probably should not implicate uniform.

They're all tags where we're tagging whether or not they're wearing their uniform identifying them as someone of that profession. The use of uniform in the tag name (so X_uniform) really should have been the primary tag for these instead of just their profession (maid, nurse, waitress, stewardess etc) to identify them. We're not tagging their profession, we're tagging that they have a uniform that identifies them as having that profession or at least appearing so. Tagging a nurse or waitress not wearing their uniform means you're tagging based on meta-knowledge of the character's profession, which is not how we're supposed to be tagging using these tags.

Log said:

All of them are in use except sailor uniform which has been aliased to sailor for some reason sooooo.

I think that was done to try and distinguish it more from serafuku, though I think that makes the tag seem broader than it really is, since the tag is specifically for the sailor uniform and not any picture of people manning a ship. The wiki for sailor unfortunately would make it seem that any image of a person whose profession is to man a ship would count toward the tag, and if they're wearing the uniform it is just something "extra" that would also count toward the tag. I wonder why I didn't catch that when I made a slight edit to that tag 8 months ago (going by the wiki history), since that is wrong.