Posted under Tags
Would it be worthwhile using stilettos (or rename it stiletto_heels) as a subtype of high_heels to cover the narrow heels over the other types or is this perhaps too common amongst the high_heels tag to make it worthwhile?
Stiletto heels: post #1371828, post #1358773, post #1353313
Non-stiletto high heels: post #1352726, post #1372329, post #1395314, post #1420377, post #1340928
Non-stiletto high heels(?): post #1342893
Stilettos is too ambiguous to be used or even aliased. So I definitely support moving the tags to stiletto_heels.
Using stiletto_heels as a subtype of high_heels seems to be a decent idea as well.
As a related note, we should remove high_heels -> shoes implication. Boots (particularly knee_boots and thigh_boots) with high_heels are not something out of the ordinary.