Having been around a while, I usually know how to fix small issues like this one, but this particular case has caused a bit of a kerfuffle in my brain.
Anyone who follows the C.C. or Lelouch tags is probably familiar with an artist that goes by meimi (pixiv here). She draws a lot of Lelouch x C.C. work and has a pretty distinct style. Somewhere along the way, last year, a new pixiv account popped up with the exact same style and characters, and also with virtually the same name (meimi_k). I have no doubt that it's the same artist, but she hasn't linked to anything that definitely connects the two. That said, I don't know if the two artist tags should be merged or not.
Sorry if this is a problem with a simple solution, I've just never handled anything like it myself. Hopefully someone can set me on the right track!
Thank you, kindly, in advance.