A big storm just hit the southern parts of Finland (Go ahead and tell me if other countries. The news weren't very in-depth about it.) It was christened Seija (pronounced say-ya). I linked on Apokalauta about it and punned a bit about our favourite amanojaku. He made a comic.
Is that...intentional? I've never heard it said like that. It's normally "strike while the iron is hot."
I didn't remember the exact wording in English so I went with how I remembered it being. The wording's more flexible in Finnish but the idiom's exactly the same. Changed it closer to your suggestion.
By the way, should there be mention that name of the newspaper refers to finnish tabloids Iltalehti and Ilta-sanomat? (Eveningpaper and Evening News literally translated).
It's fun at first, but when i see the truth... can't feel fun anymore -_-. Bless you !
Don't fret. It was not some huge tropical hurricane or anything. The media has reported mostly property damage so I'm assuming there weren't many human casualties. Compared to the big storms that hit international news as top stories, this is more of an inconvenience than a disaster. Shame about the guy whose football hall was utterly devastated, though.
If anyone reading this was or had their friends/relatives hurt, I apologize for possibly coming across as callous. Best of luck and strength to you!
Silly Sukuna. You can't just suggest the idea of something being upside down around Seija without expecting to see that thing get flipped upside down.
But if you expect her to flip it when you say it, then it's a good way to have it not flipped upside down. Unless Seija thinks you're just saying it to prevent it from getting flipped upside down, in which case she'll certainly do it. Unless, of course, that's your real plan to get something flipped, in which case she won't, unless she suspects that, too. Etc, etc.
Totally on topic and totally not a trap to sink your time, I'll just leave this. Just klick on every link, and you'll have hours of time wasted fun. Also could someone kindly explain me how I can pothole a link into another word, I just can't seem to get it right. EDIT: Got it, thanks budoka azathoth. Also if you've read the common tropes of course it's time to read the less common. Or just click random page a few times.
Totally on topic and totally not a trap to sink your time, I'll just leave this here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RhetoricalRequestBlunder. Just klick on every link, and you'll have hours of time wasted fun. Also could someone kindly explain me how I can pothole a link into another word, I just can't seem to get it right.
If you still can't get it, reply to my post and see how it's done.
Also, most of us are already either assimilated or avoiding TV Tropes. The WikiWalks tend to get shorter once you've gone through the most common tropes a few times.
EDIT:Oh, I've done my share of WikiWalking. So many hours spent and probably will be, too. That site is my savior during long waits.
Weeell...?You know what would be interesting to see?Evening Bun
Pun on Finnish tabloids Ilta-Lehti and Ilta-Sanomat.
The storm "Seija" knocks down trees. Everything's all fucked up.
Storm SeijaAn upside- down tree.