Rarity: *3 Memoria Type: Active Ability: Remove Debuffs & HP Restore [II] on Self (cooldown 9 turns) Max Limit Break Ability: Remove Debuffs & HP Restore [III] on Self (cooldown 8 turns) Description (JP): 数奇な運命を背負いこの世に生を受けた同じ顔の少女たち 待ち受ける未来の全貌は、まだ何もわからない それでもふたりは絶望しないだろう 同じ心で、全力で生きることを誓い合ったのだから Description (ENG): Girls with the same face who were born in this world with a strange fate. Both don't know anything about the future that awaits them, but they won't despair because they vowed to live with the same heart.