I swear, I keep imagining this Keine with a Frieza-esque voice, just with more hint of a chain smoker o.O
We'll be there soon.Since it has come to this, I'll have to meet her in person to find out for myself.Hourai HunterAck!! She's really an ill-tempered, violent and brutish sort of person!!Hmmm...Hiya.You don't come out that often lately, Mokou. Why?Oh, yeah...?See! She's locking onto me right now just for being immortal!!"Lock on" is in katakana English.This is Kaguya. She's an immortal just like me.Id-Idiot...The Ultimate Brute, KeineAh...erm...Hah?!You found the person you like?Won't you tell me what kind of person he is?Eeeh...Let me introduce you. This is Keine.*Smirk...*There isn't even a single reason why you would fall for her on that list!!If you tell her that...Well, she's an ill-tempered, violent, and brutish sort of person.