おっぱまりさ 霧雨魔理沙 魔理沙 雾雨魔理沙 키리사메마리사 마리사 마이사
"Ordinary Black Magician" and second main protagonist of the Touhou series. The sole playable character of 100th Black Market, where her eye color changed from yellow to red.
Marisa flies by riding a broom and fuels her magic with phantasmal mushrooms, which have given occasion to countless fanon jokes. Uses the Master Spark move when fighting, which she powers with her favorite artifact, the mini-hakkero.
The following tags implicate this tag: kirisame_marisa_(crow), kirisame_marisa_(lunar_war_enchanter), kirisame_marisa_(pc-98), kirisame_marisa_(seihou), and kirisame_marisa_(witch_of_scarlet_dreams) (learn more).