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strapless dress
A dress that has no shoulder straps, attached sleeves, halterneck or other shoulder- or collarbone-related attire holding up the upper portion of the dress, instead relying on the tightness of the dress (usually around the hip or waist area) to keep it in place. The shoulders and upper chest area should be bare, which also implies the lack of a strapped bra.
Strapless dresses must not cover the shoulders or arms in any way outside of separate articles of clothing or jewelry such as detached sleeves, gloves, or armlets.
Strapless dresses, sleeveless dresses, and off-shoulder dresses are mutually exclusive to each other.
Correct examples
Incorrect examples
Do not tag off-shoulder dresses as "strapless dress".
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: shoulderless_dress (learn more).
This tag implicates dress and strapless (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: tube_dress (learn more).