๐ŸŽ‰ Happy 19th Birthday to Danbooru! ๐ŸŽ‰

alias digital_thermometer -> thermometer

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Provence said:

Before we do this
are there really no images with a mercury or similar thermometer? Or are these devices to measure outdoors temperature called something else in ENGLISH?

I've always called them thermometers (the outside ones, I mean). I've no knowledge of a specific term for them

BUR #7529 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication mercury_thermometer -> thermometer
create implication digital_thermometer -> thermometer

I created mercury_thermometer for now, which can still be renamed, if there is a better name. Wikipedia also calls it Mercury-in-glass thermometer, which is stupid for danbooru.

There was also a rectal thermometer tag, which I nuked, because it only had a count of 6. Such cases should just be tagged with anal object insertion + thermometer.