๐ŸŽ‰ Happy 19th Birthday to Danbooru! ๐ŸŽ‰

Ordfav and Commentary error

Posted under Bugs & Features

So, lately I've been getting an error whenever I try to search through my favorites using the commentary: qualifier, but only when I used ordfav. This returns the same error no matter whose username is used with ordfav and regardless of the argument used for the commentary: qualifier (true, false, translated, etc). (For example, ordfav:luciferous commentary:true with or without any other tags.)

error text

Unexpected error: ArgumentError.

ArgumentError exception raised
app/logical/post_query_builder.rb:241:in `each'
app/logical/post_query_builder.rb:241:in `reduce'
app/logical/post_query_builder.rb:241:in `block in build_relation'
app/logical/post_query/ast.rb:330:in `visit'
app/logical/post_query_builder.rb:225:in `build_relation'
app/logical/post_query_builder.rb:251:in `posts'
app/logical/post_query.rb:75:in `posts'
app/logical/post_query.rb:261:in `block in exact_count'
app/models/application_record.rb:140:in `with_timeout'
app/logical/post_query.rb:260:in `exact_count'
app/logical/post_query.rb:255:in `block in cached_count'
app/logical/cache.rb:39:in `get'
app/logical/post_query.rb:254:in `cached_count'
app/logical/post_query.rb:219:in `fast_count'
app/logical/post_query.rb:206:in `post_count'
app/logical/post_sets/post.rb:114:in `post_count'
app/logical/post_sets/post.rb:109:in `posts'
app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:24:in `index'

This doesn't happen if I just used fav:username instead of ordfav, or things like order:score.