
Tag Implication: erect_nipples -> nipples

Posted under General

Leave it to me to not actually check the erect_nipples wiki. orz

It'd be helpful if the nipples wiki was actually more specific on the conditions for its use.

I only thought of this implication because I've seen quite a few images tagged with both, even though the nipples aren't actually exposed. Examples post #518343 post #514979 post #505113 post #424428 post #434010

Hell, there's even images with exposed nipples tagged with erect_nipples, further driving my confusion. post #413295 post #486649 post #405477

Well, when a tag has 22000+ hits, it's inevitable it won't be used completely uniformly.

And yes, the wiki isn't clear enough on nipples that they should be visible. In fact that might never have been officially stated before for all I know.

But yes it would be good to make sure to separate them. Well unless of course it's an image with two girls, one of whom is bare breasted and the other is poking through clothes.