
Proposed Changes to pussy_sandwich

Posted under Tags

The pussy_sandwich tag is not defined, and there is some ambiguity as to what should and should not be tagged with it. Good examples of tag are post #2131637 and post #7147156, while post #7157059 should not even be tagged as such. Almost every post with it also have girl on top and human stacking, so I believe they should be implicated. However, some posts, whether tagged with pussy_sandwich or not, also have tribadism, take your pick, cooperative grinding, or some combination of the three. Take your pick and tribadism appear to be mutually exclusive with cooperative grinding, so it probably won't be possible for all three to be implicated. The most subjective tag (in my opinion) to also be applied is, take your pick and should perhaps be held to a higher standard than usual. Additionally, this tag should require at least two girls, and possibly implicate yuri.

I would be more than happy to write the wiki page for pussy sandwich based on feedback to this thread, and to garden this tag. The overall changes to this tag include:

I think its good you are bringing this up - that seems to be kinda messy, as always, when tags don't really have a clear meaning (anymore) and people start to interpret them in all sorts of ways and tag accordingly.

I think I agree to your suggestions - but first I'm asking myself, do we actually need a dedicated tag for this? And don't get me wrong, I love dedicated tags, but this one sounds awfully specific. Just some food for thoughts.

CasualStan said:

I think I agree to your suggestions - but first I'm asking myself, do we actually need a dedicated tag for this? And don't get me wrong, I love dedicated tags, but this one sounds awfully specific. Just some food for thoughts.

There's nothing wrong with a tag being "awfully specific." A tag for a very specific concept certainly feels more useful than overly broad tags like hat that could return near anything. Frankly, people try way to hard to broaden what tags apply to. The question to ask is not "Should this very specific concept people might want to search for have its own tag?" (because the answer is usually yes) but instead, "Is it possible to reliably find this specific concept without needing 3+ tags to do it?"

blindVigil said:

There's nothing wrong with a tag being "awfully specific." A tag for a very specific concept certainly feels more useful than overly broad tags like hat that could return near anything. Frankly, people try way to hard to broaden what tags apply to. The question to ask is not "Should this very specific concept people might want to search for have its own tag?" (because the answer is usually yes) but instead, "Is it possible to reliably find this specific concept without needing 3+ tags to do it?"

I see what you mean, and when rethinking it I guess my line of thought and reasoning was flawed. After all we have a lot of tags that are incredibly specific when you actually start thinking about them (just think about the incest tag or the assisted rap tag which I was involved introducing here). You bring forward a very convincing argument, in the end the specific tags are the ones that actually help you find stuff and are most useful, especially compared to the extremely broad tags.

TLDR I'm redacting the argument I made.

viliml said:
On another note, we probably also want a tag for the other kind of sexual human stacking for symmetry, ass tower.

Almost every image tagged with human_stacking looks like post #5472914, so that tag's wiki page probably could use some improvement, but a new thread should be created for that. In any case, I agree.

There doesn't seem to be anymore feedback at this time, so I will create an implication request and write the wiki page for pussy_sandwich based on that.

BUR #23444 has been rejected.

create implication pussy_sandwich -> girl_on_top
create implication pussy_sandwich -> human_stacking

From topic #26331:

The pussy_sandwich tag is not defined, and there is some ambiguity as to what should and should not be tagged with it. Good examples of tag are post #2131637 and post #7147156, while post #7157059 should not even be tagged as such. Almost every post with it also have girl on top and human stacking, so I believe they should be implicated. However, some posts, whether tagged with pussy_sandwich or not, also have tribadism, take your pick, cooperative grinding, or some combination of the three. Take your pick and tribadism appear to be mutually exclusive with cooperative grinding, so it probably won't be possible for all three to be implicated. The most subjective tag (in my opinion) to also be applied is, take your pick and should perhaps be held to a higher standard than usual.