okay, i did not mean to offend anyone here. the use of _read_the_fucking_manual!!! is just an example i used in the middle of this thread to emphasize catching the attention of the tagger. it's not something that's decided. besides, if we convert the initialism of RTFM it's one of the most popular variants similar to any meme. if you have spend enough time in the internet, you probably read this somewhere already. if the word fucking is too harsh we could of course use flaming/friendly/full or anything more "civil" like the ones i posted at the very first post.
i have no malice in using the word fucking and didn't mean to insult anyone. so i apologize for misunderstanding. i thought it's already natural here using 'insults' as i see it even in comments, forum threads, and even in user records issued by higher personalities (some are even harsher like arsehole, criminal stupidity, fuck off, etc). and just look at the sticky in the forum about Useful threads index:
Read this before posting on the forum you dumb jerks.
Civility on the forum. TL;DR: Don't call people dumb jerks!
every visitor of the forum is greeted by this message and nobody seems to mind. the fact that's it's a sticky and the first post in bold letters gives it more emphasis than everything else. besides the word fucking manual is not an insult directed to the person. it's not an insult at all. the alias didn't insult anyone. that's professionalism. that's more professional than those high-ranking members insulting lowly members or even fellow high-ranking members.
S1eth said:
Subjective tags aren't actually a problem right now, so such drastic measures aren't required.
i wouldn't mind if this alias didn't push through. it's merely one of the suggestions to at least aid a gardener in checking lesser tags and enforcing a new user to read the manual. the fact that even after 1 week grace period, users still commit mistakes, necessitates the need for something like this. just read the user records page. i think this is better than issuing neutral/negative records every now and then. instead of being too passive, the alias measure is both preventive and pre-emptive because there's a likelihood the user will correct himself automatically. it wouldn't hurt if we add an additional layer for policing. besides there's also the automated personal mail as an alternate suggestion too.
if he didn't correct himself, a gardener's job is lessened still because one tag now just needs to be checked. is this too much to ask if this solution will likely (hopefully) address and solve 2 problems?
besides, this alias should actually never ever accumulate multitude of posts like long_hair. it should not be used at all like the alias kawaii -> cute
People will be confused, not knowing how the tag got there and even the editor won't know what happened to his tags.
the final name of the alias would address that, that's why i suggested a provocative one. you could suggest a !!!_read_me tag. people will not be 'confused' if they bothered reading the manuals in their first week grace period. someone reading the tagging guidelines should never see this tag at all. a tag like !!!_read_me would hopefully invite them to read our guidelines as our final attempt/defense.
and this statement of yours, somewhat contradicts Log's assumption that most users don't even bother checking what they typed. the fact they are 'confused', as you say, means they are reading the tag list and they do mind correcting what they typed. the goal of the alias is to alert them and click the tag and read the wiki. so i don't see the confusion and the editor won't know what happened to his tags. the alias covers 14 tags. one should be easy to spot.
again, i did not mean to introduce malice here, only solution. i apologize for misunderstanding. thanks.