
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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nonamethanks said:

issue #2717 (see my last comment). It seems to be intended (?) behavior unfortunately.

It seems on closer inspection that the spelling of the artist was incorrect, so I just moved to the correct spelling in this case. I agree about there needing to be a fix for this, though.

Voting on a post I’ve already voted on gives me “500 Internal Server Error” and voting on a comment I’ve already voted on gives me “422 No Reason Phrase” (422 is supposed to be “Unprocessable Entity”). Anyone else seeing this?

kittey said:

Voting on a post I’ve already voted on gives me “500 Internal Server Error” and voting on a comment I’ve already voted on gives me “422 No Reason Phrase” (422 is supposed to be “Unprocessable Entity”). Anyone else seeing this?

I can verify this.

I changed it so that if an API call fails, Danbooru will show an error message. This was because previously certain things like IQDB lookups could fail without indicating any errors. It looks like voting isn't returning appropriate error codes though.

I got an error earlier while trying to add some tags do my newly uploaded post while at the same time uploaded the child post, not sure if it's worth anything since it only showed up once and everything was fine after that.

PG::TRDeadlockDetected exception raised

    ERROR: deadlock detected DETAIL: Process 30843 waits for ShareLock on transaction 42648149; blocked by process 30292. Process 30292 waits for ShareLock on transaction 42648152; blocked by process 30843. HINT: See server log for query details. CONTEXT: while updating tuple (18285,50) in relation "users"
    app/models/post.rb:1399:in `create_new_version'
    app/models/post.rb:1389:in `create_version'
    app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:50:in `update'

Fliiv said:

Can't save searches anymore. Tried it in four different browsers, but there's no feedback from clicking the "Save search" button.

It’s working fine for me. Do you have less than 250 saved searches at the moment?

I can create new translations as normal, but editing existing ones (even the ones I just made) seems to register but doesn't get saved once the page is refreshed. I have to delete and remake the whole bubble. Is it just on my end?

Levander said:

I can create new translations as normal, but editing existing ones (even the ones I just made) seems to register but doesn't get saved once the page is refreshed. I have to delete and remake the whole bubble. Is it just on my end?

I can confirm this happens for me as well. I've opened issue #3623 for it.

kittey said:

It’s working fine for me. Do you have less than 250 saved searches at the moment?

Way less.

Edit: Editing and deleting still works, if that helps narrow it down.
