girls' frontline
少女前线 少女前線 少女戦線 少女戰線 少前 소녀전선 소전 GirlsFrontline Girls'frontline GFL ドールズフロントライン ドルフロ DollsFrontline 銃を持った戦術人形 戦術人形
A Chinese smartphone game developed by MICA Team. Features personifications of a wide variety of guns; or, to be more accurate, gynoids known as Tactical Dolls (aka T-Dolls), each imprinted with a different firearm, who don't necessarily personify their allotted gun (merely using it as a codename).
Chinese name: 少女前线/少女前線 (Shaonü Qianxian), 少前 (ShaoQian)
Korean name: 소녀전선 (Sonyeo Jeonseon), 소전 (SoJeon)
Japanese name: ドールズフロントライン (Dolls' Frontline), ドルフロ (DolFro), 少女前線 (Shoujo Zensen), 少女戦線 (Shoujo Sensen)
English name: Girls' Frontline, GF (official shorthand), GFL (community shorthand)
Related tags
- Core
- True Core Mask
- T-Doll Contract
- Quick Production
- Quick Repair
- Quick Training
- Training Data
- Enhancement Capsule
- Token
- Fairy
- MOD3 (New Type Fire-Control Component)
- Aid Commission
- Black Card
- Exoskeleton
- Use Clone for dummy links
- Use Diamond (gemstone)/Gem for physical/imagined gems
- Use Floppy Disk for Combat Reports of any kind
- Battery
- Cargo Pod for pre-v.2.0600 Resupply skin gacha delivery
- Griffin & Kryuger logo
- Griffin & Kryuger military uniform
- Journey in the Auspicious Snow costume set
- Collapse Fluid
- Epiphyllum
- Wombforce
- Cursed M4A1
See also
- List of Girls' Frontline characters
- Girls' Frontline: Neural Cloud
- Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium
- Reverse Collapse (series)
External links
- English: Website / Twitter / Facebook / Wiki / GFLDB
- Japanese: Website / Twitter
- Chinese: Website / Bilibili / Biligame / QQ/Wechat / Weibo / Baidu / Moegirlpedia / Wiki
- Taiwanese: Website / Facebook / Bahamut
- Korean: Website / Naver / Facebook / Twitter / Inven
The following tags are aliased to this tag: girls_frontline (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: girls'_frontline_2:_exilium and girls'_frontline_neural_cloud (learn more).