
Please start enforcing spoilers tags on posts.

Posted under Tags

Please start enforcing spoilers tags on posts. Users who upload very blatant spoiler images, especially with ones with phrases like RIP, Rest in peace, etc and don't mark the with the spoilers tag should face some kind of action (hiding this tag is effectively pointless because if you search art for a character and see that the RIP tag is hidden, well...). This should not be up to other users to add them, especially after getting spoiled.

I'm pretty sure the post you're so butthurt over was referencing the author's death. I'm not heavily into Berserk but as far as I know, Casca is alive. Try actually reading the commentary, or the description of the "In Memorium" pool.

And anyway, spoilers is useless in all respects cause people will stick it on literally anything.


1st: forum #215439

2nd: What about if the uploader has never consumed any media related to the copyright they are uploading from and therefore can't know what is spoiler and not? You can't forbid people from uploading something unless they have literally read all books, watched all shows and played all games about that copyright just because there might be a spoiler somewhere, that's just insane.

Also, what counts as a spoiler? Does a character changing their hairstyle count as a spoiler, if no other information is present on the image as to why they changed their hairstyle etc? What about an out of context line from the series? How far into the series does something have to happen for it to be considered a spoiler? Should unlockable game art be considered spoilers? Should novel illustrations be considered spoilers because they contain events within the novel, even if they come before the text even begins in the book?

If you're going to enforce the tag then you're going to have to have absolute rules on all such things, and it better make absolute sense to everyone or you're going to get problems fast.

Personally, I think the spoilers tag is pointless and I would favour nuking it. If you want to avoid spoilers for a franchise, you really should not be searching for art of said franchise on a booru.

If you're in the middle of engaging with a franchise and want to use the rest of the site, add the respective copyright to your blacklist.

I don't think spoilers is totally useless, at least for posts that depict some vital plot point to the story that would largely ruin the experience for the viewer (something like, the real identity of a character that is only revealed in the finale). It will never be perfect because some users may not know much about the copyright they are uploading like Unbreakable said, but personally I think it's better with it than without it.
And honestly, you should know that the risk of encountering a spoiler is high just for searching something about that copyright on internet.

mongirlfan said:

I don't think spoilers is totally useless, at least for posts that depict some vital plot point to the story that would largely ruin the experience for the viewer (something like, the real identity of a character that is only revealed in the finale).

Yeah, there are legitimate things that count as spoilers, like character deaths, character reveals, ect. And we enforce spoiler tagging in comments, so I don't think spoilers is inherently useless or harmful to have. But since people will just stick it on any inane thing, like post #5211700, despite no given context or even focus on the "spoiler", it just becomes too bloated to actually serve its purpose.

For what it's worth, I've never once found the spoilers tag at all useful. For a series I'm unfamiliar with, all it does is actually spoil me by alerting me to the fact something is a spoiler. For something I've specifically not yet caught up on and don't want to be spoiled on, it's best just to avoid everything rather than counting on the spoilers tag (that's what I did during from the time the 3rd Madoka Magica movie came out until I was able to see it).

I got curious and checked, and apparently around 40% of all the posts uploaded for the madoka movie (and well over half for akuma_homura herself) are tagged spoilers. I get why, and I'm in favor of the tag's continued existence, but it's weird when the thing people wanted to draw the most from a given work is also one of the biggest spoilers the series has had.

I eventually ended up removing spoilers from my blacklist, before it got removed from the stock blacklist, since I was getting a little tired of always having to click it off if I wanted to look at madoka art. I guess I'm personally not invested enough in any series at the moment to really care about spoilers.

(ed for a side question: what even is the condition that a akuma_homura post is tagged spoilers? Some pictures are, some aren't, and even though I've watched the series and its movies, I'm still unaware of what specifically is being spoiled. Her existence in general? But if that was truly the spoiler wouldn't that basically make spoilers an implied tag?)


SaladBadger said:

(ed for a side question: what even is the condition that a akuma_homura post is tagged spoilers? Some pictures are, some aren't, and even though I've watched the series and its movies, I'm still unaware of what specifically is being spoiled. Her existence in general? But if that was truly the spoiler wouldn't that basically make spoilers an implied tag?)

As far as I understood it, yes.

Also see topic #21544