
Bunny people/clothing tags

Posted under Tags

Danbooru uses a number of tags for characters with animal features (wolf_girl, dog_boy etc.). However, the existence of the bunnysuit has led to bunny people/clothing tags becoming a confusing and entangled mess that needs to be fixed.

Per the current guidelines:


"bunnysuit" is for when the traditional Playboy bunny leotard is being worn by a character with bunny_ears. If there are no bunny_ears but a bunny_tail is visible, then "bunny_girl" should be used instead. However, "bunnysuit" may still be used "under one's discretion" (?). If the outfit has cat_ears, then "kittysuit" should be used instead. If the outfit has any other kind of animal ears or no ears at all, then "playboy_bunny_leotard" should be used instead.

"bunny_suit" and "bunnygirl" are aliased to this tag.


"playboy_bunny_leotard" is for when the traditional Playboy bunny leotard is worn with animal ears other than cat_ears or bunny_ears, or "as a plain leotard with or without pantyhose". Also, straight from the wiki:

Never use bunnysuit either with this tag or when specifically referring to this tag unless worn with bunny ears and/or a bunny tail also present.

Conversely, don't use this tag when bunny ears and/or a bunny tail are present in the picture. That's what the "bunnysuit" tag is for.

Two equally confusing lines essentially saying that if bunny_ears or a bunny_tail are anywhere in the post then "bunnysuit" should be used instead (which is simultaneously wrong and contradictory to the current guidelines for "bunnysuit").

This tag implicates "leotard".


Here's the entire wiki:

A "bunny girl" generally refers to a Japanese term given to a Playboy bunny, especially one who wears a bunnysuit.

But some images having this tag do not refer to the Playboy bunny, but simply a female human or anthromorph having rabbit ears, but not necessarily the other elements of the Playboy bunny.

Ignoring the fact that it reads like a 7th grader's first essay, "bunny_girl" is (I think) for both Playboy bunnies and female characters (human or furry) with bunny features such as bunny_ears and bunny_tails.


"bunny_boy" is for boys crossdressing as Playboy bunny girls. Apparently, it also applies to boys wearing bunny_ears and anything that might resemble a tuxedo together:

May also apply to boys wearing tuxedos or anything similar and bunny ears at one's discretion, since the Playboy bunny's get-up (bunnysuit, wrist cuffs, detached collar, and bowtie) is based on the tuxedo.

This wiki states that "bunnyboy" is for animal boys.


Yes, there's apparently a difference. "bunnyboy" is for "animal boys with bunny_ears and other rabbit features".

This wiki states that "bunny_boy" is for human boys wearing a bunnysuit.

These guidelines shirk consistency whenever possible and are about as unintuitive as you can get, featuring a number of arbitrary caveats which often contradict each other and are poorly described at best. This issue was discussed in topic #16634 but went nowhere, so I'm going to propose some new guidelines here:

  • The Playboy bunny leotard is essentially just a leotard (often strapless) with bunny accessories, so "bunnysuit" should be used when a character is wearing the leotard with bunny_ears, a bunny_tail or both, regardless of gender. The bunnygirl alias to this tag should be changed to alias to "bunny_girl".
    • A search for x_ears/x_tail and leotard will give the same results that "playboy_bunny_leotard" is supposed to cover. As such, this is a redundant composite tag and it should be nuked.
  • In order to be consistent with other x_girl tags, "bunny_girl" should be for girls with intrinsic bunny features such as bunny_ears and bunny_tails. Characters wearing a bunnysuit, however, should only be tagged as "bunny_girl" if they have real ears/tails so as to not drown out the results with bunnysuits.
  • "bunnyboy" should be aliased to bunny_boy - if the other new guidelines are approved then there is no concept left for this tag, and bunnygirl will be aliased to something regardless so it provides consistency in that respect.

Feedback would be appreciated; thank you for your time.

I'm glad that you bringed up this issue, because there's a great difference between girls/boys as playboy bunnies or using bunnysuit AND girls/boys with rabbit features or anthropomorphic rabbit characters. Most of the time they are tagged as the same thing due to this confusion, making the search for girls/boys with bunny features difficult for most users who can only search two tags at once. Some tags like the bunnygirl/bunnyboy (without space) and rabbit girl were created for characters with rabbit features but still not a definitive solution. I've suggested a while ago a similar solution, making bunny girl / bunny boy tag for rabbit features and bunnysuit or a playboy bunny girl tag for clothing.

Unbreakable said:

Rabbit girl should really be aliased to bunny girl after this mess is sorted out, there is no need to have two tags for the same thing (Also, all the other rabbit tags are aliased to their bunny counterpart)

Agreed. I didn't mention it because I wasn't even aware it existed until mongirlfan pointed it out.

I´m mostly in favor for a big change on all those tags. Never have I heard before of a tag called playboy_bunny_leotard. It´s kinda stupid and should be nuked.
But I have one specific question of, where do you see fake animal ears in this suggestion? If I understand you right, you would tag a girl with fake animal ears as bunnysuit, without bunny_girl, as this tag should only be used for real girls? Which I would be fine with, because you can easily search for bunny_ears + fake_animal_ears if you want those results.
bunny_girl fake_animal_ears solo: 3424 posts for example post #3983295

And I agree with UNB on Rabbit_girl.

AngryZapdos said:

  • The Playboy bunny leotard is essentially just a leotard (often strapless) with bunny accessories, so "bunnysuit" should be used when a character is wearing the leotard with bunny_ears, a bunny_tail or both, regardless of gender. The bunnygirl alias to this tag should be changed to alias to "bunny_girl".

* A search for x_ears/x_tail and leotard will give the same results that "playboy_bunny_leotard" is supposed to cover. As such, this is a redundant composite tag and it should be nuked.

Playboy bunny leotard's wiki is really lacking in clarification of what it's actually for. The playboy bunny leotard is for the full outfit minus the bunny accessories. As seen in post #4018023, the signature playboy bunny outfit consists of leotard, detached wrist cuffs, detached collar, tie or bowtie, heels, and/or pantyhose, ears and tail having long since become optional. Very nearly all depictions of the outfit contain most if not all of these individual parts, without them it's just someone wearing a leotard.

I agree with everything else, though.

Guaro1238 said:

But I have one specific question of, where do you see fake animal ears in this suggestion? If I understand you right, you would tag a girl with fake animal ears as bunnysuit, without bunny_girl, as this tag should only be used for real girls? Which I would be fine with, because you can easily search for bunny_ears + fake_animal_ears if you want those results.
bunny_girl fake_animal_ears solo: 3424 posts for example post #3983295

The general consensus seems to be that animal_person tags are for real features only. For example, there are 10649 cat_girl posts and only 323 of them are tagged with fake_animal_ears. Similar results are found when you look at fox_girl - 10420 posts with 42 fake_animal_ears examples. Since this is already how the tags seem to work we might as well make it official, and add a note to the animal_person wikis stating that they are for real features only.

We should still include the bunnysuit disclaimer in the bunny_girl/bunny_boy and bunnysuit wikis though, because they are easily confused.

blindVigil said:

Playboy bunny leotard's wiki is really lacking in clarification of what it's actually for. The playboy bunny leotard is for the full outfit minus the bunny accessories. As seen in post #4018023, the signature playboy bunny outfit consists of leotard, detached wrist cuffs, detached collar, tie or bowtie, heels, and/or pantyhose, ears and tail having long since become optional. Very nearly all depictions of the outfit contain most if not all of these individual parts, without them it's just someone wearing a leotard.

I agree with everything else, though.

I'd be fine with a tag for when the whole Playboy ensemble (leotard, detached wrist cuffs, detached collar, tie or bowtie, heels, and/or pantyhose) is present with no ears/tail. However, playboy_bunny_leotard sounds like a style of leotard. If we use a tag for this costume it should be renamed to playboy_bunny_outfit.

The current situation is basically this:

  • bunny girl is either a literal rabbit girl or a Playboy bunny.
  • bunnysuit is a Playboy bunny with bunny ears. Bunny ears are a hard requirement.
  • kittysuit is a Playboy bunny with cat ears.
  • playboy bunny leotard is a Playboy bunny without bunny ears or cat ears.
  • bunnyboy is a literal rabbit boy.
  • bunny boy is a male Playboy bunny (with or without bunny ears).

I would argue that instead we should have this:

  • bunny girl is not used (too ambiguous and conflates two different things).
  • rabbit girl is a literal rabbit girl (a girl with real bunny ears).
  • rabbit boy is a literal rabbit boy.
  • playboy bunny is any Playboy bunny themed outfit (with or without bunny ears).
  • male playboy bunny is a male wearing a Playboy bunny outfit.

Getting from here to there would mean:

The reasons for this mess are largely historical. Bunnysuit used to imply bunny ears in the very early days of Danbooru, but that implication was removed a long time ago for obvious reasons, but even after it was removed, the bunnysuit wiki still insisted that a bunnysuit had to have bunny ears. This is why Playboy bunny leotard exists. It was created to work around the bunnysuit restriction, to give us a tag for Playboy bunnies without bunny ears. But that just added to the confusion, and it wouldn't have been necessary if we just done the sane thing in the first place and said that a bunnysuit is any Playboy bunny outfit, with or without ears, like we intended when we removed the implication.

Getting from here to there would mean:

I agree with this, keeping bunny girl as a disambiguation tag. It's the only way to keep things clean, I think, otherwise the mess is just going to keep getting added upon.

evazion said:

I would argue that instead we should have this:

  • bunny girl is not used (too ambiguous and conflates two different things).
  • rabbit girl is a literal rabbit girl (a girl with real bunny ears).
  • rabbit boy is a literal rabbit boy.
  • playboy bunny is any Playboy bunny themed outfit (with or without bunny ears).
  • male playboy bunny is a male wearing a Playboy bunny outfit.

Getting from here to there would mean:

I actually wanted to use rabbit_person tags but I figured that, since we use bunny instead of rabbit for almost everything to do with this animal, bunny_girl and bunny_boy would have been preferable. Seeing as you're willing to break this tradition I'm all for using rabbit_girl and rabbit_boy instead.

I do think it would be nice to have a tag/pool for bunnysuits that are themed after animals other than rabbits, though. playboy_bunny -bunny_ears -bunny_tail ~animal_ears ~tail is something of an awkward search to make and it won't catch posts where the costume uses things from an alternate animal that aren't ears or a tail, such as paw_gloves or antennae.

AngryZapdos said:

I do think it would be nice to have a tag/pool for bunnysuits that are themed after animals other than rabbits, though. playboy_bunny -bunny_ears -bunny_tail ~animal_ears ~tail is something of an awkward search to make and it won't catch posts where the costume uses things from an alternate animal that aren't ears or a tail, such as paw_gloves or antennae.

Another problem with not having a separate tag for non-bunny-ear, non-cat-ear bunnysuits is there are posts with multiple characters wearing different kinds like post #3674676 or post #2930083 which would get excluded by the awkward search too.

mongirlfan said:

Alternatively, something like Playboy bunny could also be a genderless tag similar to the Bunnysuit tag, gathering both Bunny Girls and Boys as the general outfit is the same for them (and on the latter's case, to be used along with the crossdressing tag).

IMO, I think there should be a difference between men crossdressing with the standard female outfit, and an "adapted for men" outfit with a vest, suspenders, etc. like post #3623630. The latter should be a separate tag and the former should be the same tag as the standard female outfit (with crossdressing, otoko no ko, etc. added where appropriate).

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