
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

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tapnek said:

I am using categories with more than ten searches at a time. I guess I have to modify my saved searches accordingly then. If the updating bug cannot be fixed, then a hard limit should be set for the number of saved searches for each category so that they will keep updating.

I disagree with the idea of a hard limit, if only because I'd already be over it, and I'd rather have my searches not update (but still be there for manual searching) than have to delete a bunch of things to get back under

fossilnix said:

I disagree with the idea of a hard limit, if only because I'd already be over it, and I'd rather have my searches not update (but still be there for manual searching) than have to delete a bunch of things to get back under

There’s no need to delete anything. If you have many searches in the category “stuff”, just move some to “stuff2”, “stuff3”, etc. The category of a saved search can be edited without having to delete it.

Also, 10 per category isn’t a hard limit. I have one category with 14 working saved searches and 7 dead. I just noticed that dead ones come back to life once there’s no more than 10 saved searches left in that category. Moving a dead search into another category that has less than 10 other saved searches also brings it back to life.

kittey said:

Also, 10 per category isn’t a hard limit. I have one category with 14 working saved searches and 7 dead. I just noticed that dead ones come back to life once there’s no more than 10 saved searches left in that category. Moving a dead search into another category that has less than 10 other saved searches also brings it back to life.

Just curious, but does adding a saved search to a new category with less than 10 while keeping it in a category of more than 10 work?

If so, then for instance if someone had the category Copyright with more than 10, then they could keep it in Copyright and just add Copyright1, Copyright2, etc., to subgroups of that category as required.

Attempting to view the Site Map by clicking More >> gave me this:

<!-- Matomo --> <script type="text/javascript"> var _paq = _paq || []; /* tracker methods like "setCustomDimension" should be called before "trackPageView" */ _paq.push(['trackPageView']); _paq.push(['enableLinkTracking']); (function() { var u="//matomo.donmai.us/"; _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'piwik.php']); _paq.push(['setSiteId', '1']); var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+'piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s); })(); </script> <!-- End Matomo Code -->

ActionView::Template::Error exception raised
undefined local variable or method `new_maintenance_user_count_fixes' for #<#<Class:0x000055a4270c1e28>:0x000055a4263bbf30> Did you mean? new_maintenance_user_count_fixes_url new_maintenance_user_count_fixes_path
app/views/static/site_map.html.erb:122:in `_app_views_static_site_map_html_erb___3492257770174966204_47081752232600'

The page did mention "matomo" so does that mean that the subdomain (matomo.donmai.us) is still broken? Especially since the loading process for webpages on Danbooru is still somewhat slow and has not been fixed yet.

inkuJerr said:


Already reported on issue #3757. The Matomo thing is a big nothing burger, as it seems to always show up whenever there is a system exception. Perhaps that's something that should get fixed, so I'll go ahead and create an issue.


Created issue#3763 for the Matomo code being displayed.


BrokenEagle98 said:

Just curious, but does adding a saved search to a new category with less than 10 while keeping it in a category of more than 10 work?

If so, then for instance if someone had the category Copyright with more than 10, then they could keep it in Copyright and just add Copyright1, Copyright2, etc., to subgroups of that category as required.

I didn’t know it was possible to save the same search in two different categories, but not only is it possible, it actually makes matching posts show up in both categories. I’d prefer a proper fix over this crutch, but at least it seems to be a usable workaround. Let’s see if all broken searches can be fixed that way…

When I try to upload an image I get an error:

ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid exception raised

Validation failed: Md5 confirmation doesn't match Md5
app/logical/upload_service.rb:525:in `start!'
app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb:54:in `create'


fossilnix said:

Usually that message shows when a post has been double-deleted. Are you trying to get to that post by clicking on its thumbnail? If so, where are you seeing the thumbnail (what search/pool/etc)?

I was searching IQDB using post #263389 and the deleted post shows up in the search results. Clicking on the thumbnail brings up that error page.

I'm trying to upload images to the site from my computer, and it keeps giving me the following error:

ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid exception raised
Validation failed: Md5 confirmation doesn't match Md5
app/logical/upload_service.rb:525:in `start!'
app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb:54:in `create'

Even after the upload bar on the drag and drop has finished.

EDIT: I've gotten a couple of the images to upload after trying again, but now images that are very large; over roughly 6MB, fail to finish uploading at all. They just get stuck.


Grahf said:

I'm trying to upload images to the site from my computer, and it keeps giving me the following error:

ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid exception raised
Validation failed: Md5 confirmation doesn't match Md5
app/logical/upload_service.rb:525:in `start!'
app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb:54:in `create'

For my own curiosity, are you trying to upload multiple images in the dialog? I can only get this to happen if I try to upload more than one. A single image usually works okay.

SoulEvansEater said:

For my own curiosity, are you trying to upload multiple images in the dialog? I can only get this to happen if I try to upload more than one. A single image usually works okay.

Nope, single images. I did try to see if dragging and dropping the same image would do anything, but it said "you cannot upload any more files" when I did.

asferot said:

Really? Because normally I have volume controls on standalone video files.

Unless Google Chrome is shitting up everything as usual with new updates.

It is the latest update of Chrome. They changed the browser player and for some asinine reason it has no volume slider.

You can 'fix' this by disabling the new player. Go to "chrome://flags/#enable-modern-media-controls" and set it as 'Disabled', then restart the browser.

Hi, thought this was already reported but doesn't seem like it was.
For a few days now, whenever i try to upload an image (from pixiv) the data box that would auto-load under the tags box doesn't appear anymore.
You can get the "translated tags" and "artist" box if you click "related rags" on something random.
Clicking Source - artist doesn't bring it up.